Thursday, December 31, 2015

Review & Resolution Twenty Fifteen

♥ Oh hello people! I haven't been updating this space since the end of last year and yet my first and last post of 2015 will be my annual routine. Haha. On top of that, I hope everyone is doing well tho I'm not sure if anyone is still reading. Hahaha! But anyway, to anyone who's still reading, I hope you guys are beyond well :)

♥ So for my first and last post of the year, I shall proceed on to my review and resolution of 2015. 
♥ So, how have I been this year? Honestly, 2015 is a challenging year. I struggled through alot of things and also sacrificed alot. But at the end of the day, I reap what I sowed and I'm beyond thankful and proud at the same time at everything that happened. Well then again, everything do happen for a reason. I lost alot, but I gained more. So no complains there. 

♥ 2015 - 
- sat for my IGCSE examinations
- made a important decision in April
- struggled my way through school work for the sake of graduation
- manage to graduate, proudly

♥ Okay now before I go into thanking important people in my life, let me just indulge in this proud moment that I have been working really hard for. 

♥ Just in case none of you know this, I'm from a private home school. And why am I so excited about graduating? Because anyone of you who's not from a home school will never know how hard it is to be able to graduate from the AOP system. It's easy for certain people but definitely not me so yeah. And I've witness so many of my friends who left halfway because of age and other personal reasons which I won't say. And nobody knows how hard it is to persevere through peer pressure when you see people younger than you already graduating and you're stuck there like what am I gonna do with my life lol. I don't think words will be able to describe how I feel about graduation but I just wanna share the joy so :)

*drum rolls*
N O V E M B E R 1 2 T H 2 0 1 5 

--------------------------------------G R A D U A T I O N // C L A S S O F 2 K 1 5------------------------------------------

♥ The moment I put on my grad robe and mortar board, I was literally screaming inside. It's real! It's happening! It's finally happening! I mean, IT'S HAPPENING TO ME! OMG IT'S GRADUATION TODAY! I made it! I MADE IT! 

♥ And no, my level of excitement isn't just that. It was beyond that on the night itself. Graduating together with the other 7 of them was the other highlight of the night. I mean, my life. So, we were watching our very own graduation video backstage while waiting for our names to be called. And it really brings back so much schooling memories. We have fun and work hard together. I can't help but to feel so damn proud of my grad squad. 

♥ The moment our names were called one by one to go on stage, my heart was pounding. Before my name was called, I was still asking myself if this is a dream. If this is a dream, it's a dream that I never want to wake up from. But when my name was called.......

It hit me. This moment is real, and it's happening. I mean, it is happening to me! 

♥ Walking up the stage has never been so hard in my life. Even walking up to MC the whole event back in 2013 wasn't this hard man. My legs were literally trembling and my heart was pounding really hard. The moment they handed me my certificate and flower, I lost it. 

♥ My parents were sitting at the front table and I saw their smiles. It was a really nice and comforting smile, and also a proud one, and I couldn't express how much I feel about it. It's very encouraging but at the same time, I feel sorry for making them wait so long for this day to come. If only I worked harder .. 
But there are no what ifs in life so you reap what you sowed. And now it's time for harvest. I'm a EQ graduate and I approve this message! 

♥ I'm super thankful to people who have helped me overcome this hardest phase in my life. They encouraged me,push me further so I can soar higher. They gave me positive vibes when I ran out of that. They supported me and encouraged me when I myself, thought I wouldn't make it. They reminded me again and again about how close am I to graduation and motivated me to never stop trying until the end. I seriously wouldn't have come this far without each and everyone of you. And you guys know who you are ;) I appreciate all of that. 

And I also want to thank people who think I wouldn't make it and people who discouraged me. Thank you for making me realize that I can push harder and further. Thank you for making me prove myself again and again. It's all over now. But this is just the beginning and I know that very well. I'll continue to fight harder and get stronger and tougher in my future. I'll remember every hard moments I've to face to be able to come this far, to be able to reach this graduate phase. 

♥ Lastly, there are some things I would love to say to my #EQ8GRADSQUAD2K15 tho they might not read this :)

My dear grad squad of 2K15, I just want to say thank you for the 3 amazing years in EQ. Thank you guys for going through (some of you) alot with me and still stayed with me even throughout the odds. I want to thank you guys for making my schooling days so memorable and fun. School wouldn't be so amazing with you guys. There are hard times, but we (or I) made it through. I'm so proud to be able to be on stage with you guys, being part of the Class of 2015 and so proud to be able to make it through with you guys. I know this is just high school grad but it really matters to me. I hope it matters that much to you guys as it is to me. Lastly, I wish you guys all the best in everything and may you guys achieve higher and soar higher! God bless each and everyone of you and have a blessed year ahead! Blessed new year guys! x 

♥ Pics below (13 total) credited to Domz Chuah :p


♥ Now, for the last part of my long ass review, my gratitude towards everyone I appreciate this year. 

♥ First and foremost, my parents. 

Hi you both :p I know it has been a roller coaster ride with me this year but thank you for supporting me throughout. Thank you for being there during my hardest moments and gave me all the support with all your energy. Thank you for providing me with everything at home. I can't say how much I love you both cuz there's literally no words to describe. Thank you for listening to me even when I say the most craziest things any child can ever say to their parents. Thank you for being such cool and fun parents. Tho both of you gang up to bully me sometimes, I still love you both nevertheless. And as we enter a whole new year, I pray that the both of you will stay healthy, happy and all the best in everything! I love you both and have a blessed new year! x

♥ And to this guy who went through alot of my crap and sh*t this year, Stephen Lee (boyf hehe) 

Hi silly :p Thank you for being there at all times whether I need it or not. Thank you for going through one of the hardest phase of my life with me. Thank you for the company when I needed to rush and finish all my work. Thank you for accompanying me to do Language Arts, even when you're 100% unwilling. Hahahaha!
Thank you for teaching me Math (tho I still need you to do so hahahaha) and never say that you're tired to do so. Thank you for being patient with me and thank you for encouraging me whenever I felt like giving up. It is because of you that I manage to graduate together with you. No one knows better about how bad I wanted to graduate. Except you. You knew. And you were there to support me at all cost. Thank you for being so amazing and thank you for everything this year. I can't possibly fit everything I wanna say so you just read it in your letter :p And to end this so I can continue, I love you and thank you for everything! 

 credits to Domz 

♥ Can't forget this girl who's been with me for 10 years, my bestf 

We hardly meet this year, but we still talk of course. You were busy and I was busy too. School, exams, work and the pre-graduation phase kept me busy. You, of course work. But I'm glad we didn't drift apart because of that. You know that I'm always thankful for you. I can't believe that we're entering our 11th year when the new year approaches! Hahaha omg. Anyway, I just wanna thank you for being there all the time. All the time. At all cost. I'm always always thankful for your support and your never-ending encouragements and prayers of course. Thank you for looking out for me all the time, making sure I didn't stray away.Thank you for listening to me and not giving up on me when I'm at my worst. Thank you for being my pillar of strength and my support. Thank you for loving me for who I am and accepting me for what I am. Lastly, I pray that you will have a blessed new year ahead and may you achieve all your goals! Thank you and of course, I love you x 

♥ And this girl who's far away at distance but close at heart, Anna Bananieee ♥ 

We only met once this year haha. But our catch up was good. I will never forget the night you girls raided my crib and caught me off guard lolll. Tho I really am sorry for the short catch up, as I was rushing with work so I kinda grounded myself from any outings so I'm really glad you understand that. But it's good hearing that you're happy with whatever you're doing, and in God's favor. I'm happy for you, for all that you've achieved. You please continue being happy with whatever you're doing and always trust that God will provide no matter the circumstances. Always remember that He is faithful and righteous. Continue shining for Him and glorify His name through your work. Also, thank you for being always there to encourage me. Thank you for watching out for me though our only source of communication is social media and occasionally, phone calls. I'm always always thankful for you as well. As the new year approaches, I pray that God will continue to guide you through your hardships and you shall continue to be the salt and light to everyone you meet. Be a blessing to everyone you meet and all the best! Hope to see you soon again and of course, I love you too x 

♥ Not forgetting this girl who's like a sister from another mother, also my vamp partner, Siew Wen 

Yo yo yo! HAHAHAHA! You're as crazy as ever and there's nothing wrong with that. I just want to use this small moment to appreciate all you've done for me this year. Those times you were there for me, those words you used to encouraged me, 你为我所做的一切一切,我永远铭记于心。谢谢你在这一年里给我的鼓励还有陪伴。真的不知从哪说起但你需要知道你很棒。你很好,所以你值得更好。我对你的谢谢,真的不是言语就可以形容的。谢谢你容忍我的脾气,接受我的少根筋,不介意我的怪里怪气。谢谢你在我生命中成为了我最大的鼓励,成为了我生命里这么重要的人。谢谢你还在。谢谢你让我有你这么好的朋友,谢谢你没有让我们曾经的所有不愉快影响了我们的感情。谢谢你让我看见友谊最真诚的一面。你让我知道,我的脾气把最真的人留下了。谢谢你留下了。谢谢你总是那么真诚的对待每一个人。谢谢你的不离不弃。Thank you for everything that you've done for me. There's no words that can describe how thankful I am for you. And there's no words that can describe how amazing you are. I just want to thank you for being there even when the world is against me. Thank you for standing up for me even when no one agreed with me or supported me. I wouldn't have come out so much stronger than previous if it wasn't for you. I truly appreciate our friendship and I hope that the future distance won't drift us apart. I pray that you will have a  blessed and marvelous new year ahead and be able to achieve your goals. No matter where you are in the future, I promise I'll always be here for you like how you are always here for me. All the best in 2016 and please stay crazy and original! Hahahah I love you okay :p 

credits to Domz :p

♥ And last but not least, my V TEAM! 

Hi guys! It has been quite a roller coaster to everyone of us, I believe. But no matter how bumpy the ride is, I'm glad we made it through together. Tho we lost one of us to some personal problems late this year, it was still an amazing year with you guys nevertheless. Those study group days,impromptu outings, morning talks, late night talks, late night outings, pizza feasts and all those precious memories, will stay with me as long as I live. I hope you guys treasure our friendship as much as I do because trust me, I hold each and everyone of you close to my heart. I'm so happy to be able to graduate with everyone of this year. And I want to say thank you to everyone of you for being there at all times. Be it IGCSE, or pre-graduation phase, or the break out between somebody and me. You guys were literally my best support system throughout the year. And I believe we will still be each other's support system for the years to come. Also, thank you for standing by me when things break apart (you all know what is it). Thank you for listening to my part of the story before judging me. Thank you for supporting me and thank you for all those comforting words. Telling me it's okay and what not. I'm beyond thankful for you guys. Thank you for going through everything with me that happened this year. Good or bad, I'm happy to be able to share it with you guys. Thank you for everything guys! It's beyond this but yeah, really thank you so much for everything. I pray that as each of us is starting our new phase in life, all of you will be able to be salt and light to new people you guys are about to meet. Be a blessing to people and glorify His name through the things you guys are going to do. I pray for a better V team in the whole new 2016. May we create more memories and more unforgettable moments. Distance is already becoming our obstacle but I sincerely pray that nothing changes. Because if we crumble, there goes my support system. So conclusion is all of us shall stick together as one even when days gets rough. Well, I'LL DEFINITELY STICK TO YOU GUYS SO BE PREPARED! HAHAHAHA! Ohhh and don't forget to keep in touch guys and update each other! All the best guys! And of course not forgetting this, I love you guys!! :D :D 


♥ Before I end my post for this year, I just wanna say a few things. 

Not everyone will like you and that is okay. You're not born to please anyone anyway. Don't try too hard to blend in with some people and lose yourself halfway trying to please people who can't accept the way you are. As the world gets more complicated, I realized it is even harder to be yourself. But after a few lessons this year, nothing is much more precious than keeping your true self and stay the way you are. Nothing can be more original than that. And as days get tougher, it's harder to find people who will accept you for who you are. And that is okay too. Because only your true self will attract true and genuine people who will stay. 

It's tiring trying to be another version of yourself. If this is who I am, then this is who I am. It's what makes me, me. If people can't accept my truest side, that is more than okay too. Because I don't and no longer need anymore temporary people in my life. I'm so done with temporary people. 

In life, people come and go. It's true that you can't keep everybody and not everyone who came into your life is meant to stay. Some come as lessons and some as blessing. And for my case, most of them are blessings. Genuine blessings from heaven. 

For those who stayed, I'm glad you guys are still here after going through so much with me. But for those who are no longer in my life, I still wanna thank you for coming into my life once. I practically don't beg for anyone to stay in my life if they're no longer interested. If you wanna leave, just walk out and don't come back. Walking away from me is enough is to hurt me so don't come back and hurt me second time. Like I said, I'm so damn done with temporary people. I don't need more dramas please thankyou. 

It has been a few months ever since alot of shit happened but trust me, I forgave and moved on. I wasn't the one who walked away so I don't feel the need to hold on to any grudges. So I chose to set myself free from all these negative vibes and set myself free from the hurt. I tell myself it's okay. If people leave, just let it be. It just means that they're not meant to stay in my life any longer. It is okay to lose one minor character because I have so much more main characters in my life so it is okay. 

It doesn't matter if we were once close or not. If you walk away, then nothing matters anymore. When someone leaves, I don't hate. But one thing for sure, I won't miss them. :) 


♥ Enough of all that. As the new year approaches, I hope I will be able to achieve the goals and targets I've set for myself next year. I want to go further and strive harder for a better future. To a whole new 2016, I think I'm ready. I look forward to a great year ahead. 

♥ Happy New Year guys! x 

♥ Signing off with love,
Till next time,
Karen x

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