Thursday, November 10, 2011

1 0 N o v 2 0 1 1

♥ Remember yesterday's blog post ? Anyway I'm here to voice up something. I told you guys, people can be really epic. And somehow their epic-ness always leads to stupidity. Dear someone, I somehow don't understand if you're trying to cover up your wrongdoings or you're just plain stupid. Seriously, you don't have to delete your blog just because of that particular blog post. It's nothing, but so what if I'm talking about you ? I'm not ashamed to admit that I actually read your blog, and I like the way you blog. It's just that you really shouldn't copy other's stuffs and claim it as YOURS. It's not right. 

♥ I seriously don't care if you're reading this or not, but hey, deleting your blog doesn't make any difference laaa can ? My point is, it's just not right to copy other people's stuffs and make it yours. Would you like it if people rip things from your blog, or maybe your facebook and claim it as theirs ? Maybe you would say you wouldn't mind. But well, of course you won't mind. Cuz if you really care, you won't copy other's stuffs as well. So yeaaa, it's not weird if you say you don't mind at all, cuz that defines who you really are :)

♥ Anyways, I'm sorry if I offended any of you, or make any of you misunderstand. :) 

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