Wednesday, November 9, 2011

0 9 N o v 2 0 1 1

♥ Back to class ! There're still some schools with holidays. Not fair =X Sinus attack again, sien ! It's the 3rd time this month. Really annoying one can ? Seems like November's not my month. It's just the start of November, but bad things are already approaching me. #1 leg injury, got a deep cut at the little toe, nail almost teared off, but thank God, it's attached back to the skin. #2 sinus, which I hate the most. #3 stupid phone alarm that wouldn't ring. What's wrong lil berry ? :( 

♥ It's funny that some people can actually tell you not to copy their stuffs. but they copy yours. Epic not ? People can actually post stuffs you post, without taking out full credits. People these days can be really epic one lorr. They can say they anti copycats, hate those people who copy their stuffs, and some even disable their blog's right clicks. But they forever won't realize that they themselves copy other's stuff. When people tell them, they'll just be like ''Got meh?'' #whatthehell 
Seriously one more time, don't rip stuffs that belong here. :)

♥ You have to always look at your own flaws through the mirror before you can look out of the window. You cannot judge people without knowing what's behind them, and their story. You might know me, but you don't know my story, so don't judge me. Everyone has flaws, it's not like you're god, and you're perfect -.- Not one on earth, not even one, has even 'complexion'. 

♥ Honestly, I appreciate everyone who drop by and read. Thank you for reading. Not everyone on earth likes you. So it's really okay to me, if you dislike me. Cuz everyone has their own pov(s). You have yours, I have mine, end of story. Even if there's one day when I'm left with no viewers, I'll never complain. Cuz this is my space, my memories, so yeah, it's really okay if no one wants to read anymore :DDD

♥ And if you guys really go through everything in this lil space, I added something new :D It's my dear dear me2day ! :DD It's my new addiction anyway :P I am on Weibo as well, but it doesn't attracts me that much like me2day. Do you know that I'm friends with 2NE1 on me2day ? *flips hair* :P
Yes, you can make friends with your favorite Kpop star on me2day ! How can a Kpop freak like me not join ? And the best is, it's available in English right now, but some parts are still in Korean tho :D

♥ It's been awhile since I've so much to rant. But I don't think anyone will read this LOL ! Cuz it's soooooo long :P 

♥ I just realized that not much happened in October. October is over, just in a blink of an eye. I've been really busy in October, rushing assignments, and preparing for nightmare, finals. So it's like I never find time to even blog or do other things. The 2 only things I did in October was classes ( which includes finals preparation and shit loads of assignment ) & to and fro the city. Yeah, the 2 only things I did in October. Pathetic much. :(

♥ I have a week more to go, until classes officially come to an end, and also the end, seriously the end of KAIROS. It's really hurting to know that it's closing down. It hurts really much. Among all students, I spent the most time there. People might think a year plus is nothing, but to me, it's something. I really didn't see this coming. A total new environment next year. Will have to adapt the new surrounding, new classmates, new class hours and new supervisors. It'll take some time ain't it ? :(

♥ Shall really stop here. I think this is too long :D 

 Much loves,
Karen C 

Thank you for reading, have a nice day ! :)

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