Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter Warmers 181210 ♥

♥ Another Saturday after completing our carolling tasks. Followed Yi Lin back home, quickly get ready and off we go for our lunch. Had a hard time deciding whether to have Winter Warmers at Gurney or Queensbay. We finally decided to go for Queensbay, since it's nearer :D

♥ How can you not say Winter Warmers is awesome? :D

♥ Menu

♥ The famous and awesome Peach Cocktail :D

♥ Melon Milk Tea

♥ Love those vintage cups

♥ Had the Tea Time lunch

♥ The bottom one. Filled with sandwiches and 2 pieces of hard bread ( Idk what's that called )

♥ 2nd tier, cakes

♥ The first tier, filled with cookies and strawberry jamb :D

♥ Cheese baked something..

♥ The true colors of Melon Milk Tea. I somehow think that the milk was too strong in smell. 

♥ The guests of the day and both of my dates 

♥ I can only say it was awesome. Had a great day that day. We went for a lil shopping after lunch, to digest our food. LOL. Then head back to Yi Lin's place to pick Jeff and Yi Wen up. Went to youth after that. We were late, because it jammed all the way. But we managed to reach there for youth and watched movie coz it was Movie Night :)

♥ Coming up next : Eat Fun Play 191210


Unknown said...

hey..that's a great place to spend time! =]

Karen C. said...

Yea it is. You can try it out next time :))

Healthy Living said...

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