Friday, January 7, 2011

Eat Fun Play 191210

♥ A random, yet awesome Sunday night. Attended Star's Eat Fun Play ( EPF ) together with Jia. Yi Lin came later on. And someone who's back on the Penang Island the other night. Can you guess who's that? Hahaha :D

♥ Bbq-ing food

♥ HAHAHAHA I am speechless

♥ Asking help from Jia

♥ Anyway, it's just our inside jokes. :)

♥ Noms noms noms

♥ The one I mentioned, who is back in Penang Island, my ultimate bro :)

♥ Ughh, Jeff again -.-

♥ With Jia *double likes*

♥ With Yi Lin *double likes too*

♥ Cutting cake

♥ Belated Birthday Gift from me, cause I am the one who pushed her face into her yummy cake :P

♥ Spotlight of the night

♥ Exchanging presents session

♥ Explaining how the game goes

♥ It was actually Star's belated birthday party, organised by her. It was great, and I had fun. Thank you Star for the invitation. I believe those who were there that night had fun too. :) 
Jia Ling was there too. Such a long time I've ever seen her. Good to see her there to celebrate her sister's birthday. Hahaha. I am rushing on Twenty Ten's posts, trust me =DD

♥ Coming up next : Christmas 241210

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