Sunday, January 9, 2011



A simple Sunday, yet so much things running in my mind. So damn pekchek right now. It's been so long ever since I treat my blog as my 'rubbish bin' where I throw all my hard feelings in it. Problems popping out, even this is just January. How am I gonna move on till December when I am holding on to it? :(

Reminding myself that I must have a stronger heart. I somehow still take small matters as big matters. It's my resolution this year to have a stronger heart, but somehow my fragile lil heart just didn't wanna grow up. Being patient is another resolution, but I cannot stand someone who doesn't tell me what's the problem, yet ignoring me. I super hate this, thank you.

Who ever understands those hard feelings? No one else, only me myself. Yes, I might share with you, but you won't know exactly what I'm feeling inside. I feel so empty. Empty in the heart, empty in the head. I seriously don't know how to face this person anymore. Trying my best to be a good friend, even asked for forgiveness, yet this someone never take it serious, and treat me like a piece of shit. 

I have to let out those hard feelings. Or I'll suffer. I can't take it anymore. I seriously don't care if that person sees this or not, I don't give a damn. It doesn't matter who are you, it matters that I said sorry, and I didn't receive your forgiveness. That's it, that proves everything. 

Enough of this shit, life still has to go on. I don't give a freaking damn on how you treat me. It doesn't matters to me anymore, as I know our friendship is now gone. You asked for it. I didn't know what happen, yet you keep ignoring me, keep yourself away from me. THAT'S IT! I've enough of this. You can move on this way, but not me. This story still has 11 chapters to go, we're in the 1st Chapter, and yet you expect me to give up, just because you caused it? Never, I'll never change myself for you. :)

You once might be the good friend, but not anymore. Cause you're the one who asked for this shit. Thank you for treating me this way, as I learnt to grow up without you. I learnt to be strong because of you. Thanks so much for treating me this way. I've have enough of it. That's it. I shall now proclaim - GAME OVER!

Friendship status : GOODBYE! You asked for it, don't blame me. Good luck in life. Bye.

P/S: I blog this in a very calm environment & cool emotion. No worries. Told you this is my rants. Ignore it. Kthxbye :)

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