Thursday, January 6, 2011

Carolling @ General Hospital 181210

♥ Our next stop after carolling at Loh Guan Lye. Went over to General Hospital for the next carolling session. It was great as well. :)

♥ Gathering in front, while waiting for Pr. Lee Jin

♥ Jeff is ki high-ing.

♥ He actually shook the bed and pretended that there was a patient in front -__-

♥ Acting cute

♥ Before start

♥ Had a great day carolling at these 2 destinations. It was fun and memorable though. And if you look carefully into those pictures, you might realise someone is really missing, as in SERIOUSLY MISSING. HAHAHA. The super tall one, remember? Guess you should know. =D

♥ Coming up next : Winter Warmers Lunch Date w/ Yi Lin & Charissa

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