Last minute quickie date with my favorite girls at Starbucks. Random night outs with them are always the best! Had great heart to heart sesh with them. Love them ttm! <33 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
Double Mocha Praline !
Homemade mashed potato by bestf! Yumms!
Starbucks frenzyy!
New toy in the house! Anna Bananiee's steps calculator
I couldn't remember the names =/ #epicfail
While big sis Ting was in the toilet. HAHA
Anna Bananiee
With ma all time favorite girls <3 p="p">
We're basically in the same color! Unplanned one alright! :P
Thank God for sending me 3 angels that made my life complete. At least I know who to go to when I'm totally torn apart. We have age gaps, but that doesn't stops us from being friends! I'm the maknae of the group laa alright :P If you doubt the meaning of maknae, it's the youngest in a group or even in the family. LOL. *smacks self*
Anyway, I'm signing off now, xx
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