Hi December! Its finally the last chapter of 2012 before an all new year begins. I can't wait for 2013 already! You can ignore this post if you want to, cuz I'm just gonna rant my heart out. I haven't been doing this for quite some time already.
Lots of things have been going on lately. Just too much, till idk how to handle them. I'm so tired of handling things for people. I'm always the one who's there for people when they need me. But when I need them? Heck, where were they?! Even a baby gets tired after crying.
P/S: I'm basically talking about the same person in the paragraph below. Don't fit yourself in this pair of shoes plss. :)
*How will anyone of you out there feel when you're being misunderstood? No doubt but I'm unhappy. I mean, it's not me who tell that so-called 'secret' out ok? And oh, if your things that are announced on Facebook are still considered as 'secret', you're just plain brilliant. :) 2 thumbs up for you! *(Y) (Y)* And to the pathetic 15 year old kid, get your facts right before you accuse! It doesn't mean that you're young and everyone has to forgive you. 15 year old already, grow up abit plss. -.- like sampat like that! Too much, seriously.
本来不想写这篇文章的,可是有些人就是太过分了。嘴巴最好是安分一些。不是每样东西和每个人一生下来就要给你批评的!骂人归骂人,不要把人家的祖宗18代也搬出来骂。你以为骂人家的祖宗18代很酷吗?作孽!It's not cool to scold ancestors. I can sponsor you some wet tissues to clean your mouth.
佛都有火,跟何况是人!脾气,不止你一个人有。我的脾气还比你的大。不是凶就可以无法无天!不是大声就是在讲道理!年龄小,不代表你不用尊重别人的哦。说话,要经过大脑的。不要每天用着同样的 I AM WHO I AM, AND I LOVE IT 的句子啦。就是因为有了这句子,你的瑕疵都不用改善了吗?你的错误都不用弥补吗?如果世界都跟你一样,世界大战3即将来临了好不好?! -.-
I don't wanna rant much more further, or this post is never gonna end. I just hope that kid will somehow see this and think about herself. I'm not perfect, well, no one is. I just hope she knows where her mistakes are. It's definitely wrong to scold people's ancestors, and it's definitely wrong to accuse without knowing the truth. At least ask what's wrong right? If it's my fault, I'll admit. If it's not, why must I admit?
You might be young, but that doesn't mean you're king, and you rule over us. Don't try to climb over my head ok. Pls stack your pillows higher and think. If you still think you're right, I'm fine with it. But please don't go around thrashing me, accusing me of things that I didn't do. My reputation is very important to me, at least.
Lastly, kid, I hope you learnt your lesson. *
Every words above are typed with no regrets. Thanks for stopping by. X
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