Sunday, November 27, 2011

2 7 N o v 2 0 1 1

♥ The ferris wheel doesn't care if there's any passengers on it. It still keep rotating. Life doesn't wait for you, and it won't stop just because you went through some hard ship. No matter what, life still goes on :)

♥ I went back 'home' today . It feels like ''Ahh, I'm home''. It's the warmth that I've never felt ever since I left. It feels great to be back home. It feels even greater to be able to go home and worship the Lord. Today's a great Sunday ♥♥

♥ Thank you to those who still stand by me through hard ships and those sh*tty days. Family members, and my dearest friends. I'm glad you guys didn't left me, and keep standing by me :D Thank you so much 

♥ Idk, what do you think ? Hmm.. 


Most Desirable said...

Hi, true time waits for no one, if we hold back and stand by the side to look, many would have moved forward! Pls read my story, thks:)

Karen C. said...

Hey, thanks for visiting :) What I really wanna say is, life still moves on no matter what happens. After those tears, heartbreaks, and etc, life doesn't stops for you, it just keeps going :)