Tuesday, January 3, 2012

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♥ Classes started today. It was not that bad, but well, it's awkward. I still need a long time to adapt to it. Some people are friendly, but some are not. Khai Yi, Siew Wen, Jeremy, Erin, Erica, Adam, Eunice, Aster & Shilyne are the new friends & classmates. It's nice to meet them. :) It's my first day and I've been placed in school's worship team. It's awesome, but also awkward at the same time -.-

♥ Idk if 2012 is my year, but I'll do my best to achieve everything I need to achieve. I have grades to chase up and 2 grades ain't easy. 

♥ Sometimes, it sucks to be a newbie in school. It feels like you're the loner in school during your first day. No one to talk to, no one to play with. Sucks much right ? Hope everything gets better at the end of the day. :)

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