Wednesday, August 10, 2011

310711 [Part 1]

♥ A very bright Sunday. Celebrated August babies' birthdays after service that day. It was a tradition of our church to celebrate birthdays every month. As in, whoever's birthday falls on that month, we'll celebrate it during the first Sunday of the month. If I'm not wrong, there're only 4 August babies, but that doesn't matter, what matters is the warmness :D

♥ Homemade durian cake by Aunty Yu Zhu. Heard that it was awesome, cuz I didn't had any, having some problems with stomach that day, so didn't manage to had any. Ahh it makes me misses the durian season :X

♥ Guess you guys should know him by now after his birthday post. Click on the link if you haven't read it :) 

♥ Timothy and bro

♥ Cutting the cake

♥ Hah! Look how happy she is, busy taking candid shots I think :P

♥ Excited for the cake !

♥ Say hello to Anna !

♥ I know you very lengzai ok bang :P

♥ Durian overdose

♥ Anna & Zoel

♥ Such warming Sunday, and a good way to end July isn't it? This is just the start of my Sunday. I still have Part 2 and Part 3. Part 3 is a lil awesome. I shall elaborate more there. Anyway, I'm off. Nights readers! Have a good rest and all the best ! Nightos! :D

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